Im a TP Student NOW!!yay!!Posted Institution:TEMASEK POLYTECHNICCourse Name:MEDIA & COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGYCourse Code:T12*althought this was my #8 choice.. and.. i hate the fact that i am a student of ENGENEERING SCHOOL~ =.='''but at least, one thing i know is that i am fated to be a TP student de la~~muahahahahahahahahahas.... (:=] TP student-ky.
happiness♥ 8:24 AM.
happy chinese new year to all~i have been very busy this few days visiting my relatives, going out, watching movies.. lols.
its really fun spending time with my family (:having lots of fun playing cards..laughing non-stop beacause of my funny too much snacks till i grow lots of ulcer..get scolded for drinking too much wine =.='''..hands are aching after long period of none stop guitar hero and wii bowling...feeling so regretted to have watch 'the wedding game' (although some part is still not bad)..glad to have made the correct decision to watch 'bride war'..woo-hoo~ hahas.......!
chinese new year is lots of fun for me..end here.ta-ta!
=] ky.
happiness♥ 12:26 AM.
i want to learn korean language!
=] ky.
happiness♥ 1:20 PM.
a random music video that i found while finding some korean drama..
not sure what is the name of this song..
but the MV is really touching and sad..
anw, the girl is from the 菊花 drama,
that was shown in Channel U last year~
Translation of what the guy said(b4 explosion) :
We only need to go a little more until we`re at the ocean.
The weather is nice today so we can see a lot of stars.
When I see a shooting star,
I'm going to wish that I can be with you forever.
(*they were on a date to the beach)
=] ky
happiness♥ 1:03 AM.
Happy Birthday
To my Sister BF..
May you become my
brother-in-law soon! (as i want a room of my own XP)
Enjoy your birthday~
=] ky.
happiness♥ 5:55 PM.
i just can't control what i say.
my mouth is moving by itself. =.=
i can't wait for the new episode of the korean drama!
=] ky.
happiness♥ 12:17 AM.
yoohoo.. i finish everything le. NICE! (:

watching drama really makes me happy! ;)
=] ky.
happiness♥ 1:35 AM.
watching drama makes me happy* (:
althought there is no point regretting now..
i still feel regret.
regret for not putting more effort
regret to be thinking about other things in class
regret for not working as hard as others
regret for working hard only before prelims starts
regret for giving myself excuses for doing nothing
regret for making my parents dissapointed.
hmmm.. but now, i have no more regrets.
i have graduated
and now is a new start of my life. (:
i have choosen my 12 courses.
whether is good or bad, i will work hard
and make my parents proud! ;)
=] ky.
happiness♥ 5:50 PM.
韩剧 花样男子~ NICE!

anw, went to NYP with JR today. its fun chatting with her. hahas.. XP
=] ky.
happiness♥ 11:39 PM.
im scared..good luck to all my friends.=] ky.
happiness♥ 10:28 PM.
went to TP nn NP today or i should say, ytd.. lols~TP roxx!! hahas.i love the school + the student(especially buisness student) thr!!hahas..anw, what i wan to say today.. can be seen in CY's blog at so go thr and see what we hav done today ba!YAY!!ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! lols~=] ky.
happiness♥ 12:21 AM.
12 JAN 2009!! ...
omg.. so fast~ Our result is coming out on 12 Jan...
OK, anw... ytd, i went to visit my beloved Dance Club! hahas..
All my juniors especially the sec 4, are still so cute.. Ms Chan is still so pretty.. Mr Ryan..still so flexible nn funny! HAHAHAS~ =.='''
CCA open house is tmr! im so excited about it! and, their dance is really nice.. (i saw their rehersal)
hope there will be lots of juniors joining Dance Club this year!
=] ...-ky
happiness♥ 2:41 PM.
Its OVER... ...lols. 小娘惹 is over... i feel so empty.haii~ hahas.just now was surfing the net for some 小娘惹 news.. (ok, i know im abit crazy~~)anw, from the 'news', 小娘惹 becomes the most watch drama in the last 15 years..and, about 65.1% of s'pore population was watching that drama yesterday..woohoo.. shocking news!~and, the so called reporter, also put up a 'most-fav-finale-storyline' put up by some people who watched..damm KUSO~ lols. so, do take a look..>>>>>>>>> 月娘 begged 刘一刀 to go to S'pore to save 玉珠. So 刘一刀 went to the Zhang's home, determined to bring 玉珠 back to Malacca. Robert initially refused, and soon a scuffle broke out between the 2 men. And with a slick flick of his butcher's knife, 刘一刀 managed to turn Robert into a eunuch. Amidst the chaos, 玉珠and 刘一刀 escaped...and while they were running, their eyes met, and it was lust at first sight for 玉珠 and 刘一刀. They got married after getting back to Malacca and lived together happily ever after. 玉珠's mental condition miraculously recovered in a years time under 刘一刀's tender loving care. Eventually, they gave birth to 3 beautiful daughters, namely 肥猪,懒猪 and 笨猪... collectively known as the 3 只小猪. Dun worry, 刘一刀 no longer slaughters pigs for a living (see below, he started helping 月娘 in her business), so their kids are in no danger.
陈锡 - moved to England, where he previously studied. He realised that Nyonya food will be a new and unique cuisine in England, and so decided to set up a Nyonya food empire, with chicken soup (还我鸡汤) as the signature dish of his food empire. He eventually became a very successful food entrepreneur. And for his contribution to England's food industry, he was knighted as Sir ChenXi. remains unmarried.
月娘 - remained in S'pore and Malacca to expand her bird's nest business. Set up New Moonlady (literally 新月娘) Bird's Nest Company to rival the New Moon Abalone Company. While New Moon hired Fann Wong to advertise for it, 月娘 hired 欧萱 to advertise for her New Moonlady Bird's Nest Company. 月娘 became CEO of the company, and her brother 刘一刀 became vice-CEO. Through her sheer intelligence and wit, and with 刘一刀 help, New Moonlady Bird's Nest Company became the premier bird's nest company in Singapore. 月娘 also became the richest women in S'pore. Remains unmarried.
Year 2008 Coundown Party at Vivocity, organized by Channel 8 - Old 陈锡 returned to S'pore for a business trip. Despite their old age, Old 月娘 and Old 陈锡 still feel young at heart and decided to join the young crowd for the countdown party at Vivocity. As luck will have it, they met at the party, and recognized each other instantly. They realized that they still have deep feelings for each other, and so decided to get married and live together happily ever after.hahahahas.. funny? =] ky.
happiness♥ 3:36 PM.
he is soooooooooo CUTE!
im abit crazy over XNR now.. they roxx!

=] ky.
happiness♥ 1:17 AM.
Happy New Year!..hmmm.. 2008.. was really an unpleasant year for me. many things just happen so unexpectedly.but at least, is over. the punishment for me should have end.Thinking back, i am actually very fortunate to gain much true friends which i will treasure them well, now and hopefully forever.. XDso, hey true friends.. you know who you are yea! lols~ok, so.. 2009. A New Year, and also a new beginning for me.i have not much wishes to make..Just hope that nothing bad will happen to me, my friends and my family..And hope everyone i know will always be happy and healthy..yay! =.='''
(ESCLSRFKW >>> this is the ppl that i will like to thank to have given me much happiness in a way or other in 2008!.. i only put the first alphabet of each of your, just guess if its you! Muahahahahahas~)
=] ky.
happiness♥ 4:55 PM.